News :
Perhatian PT. EQUITY SEKURITAS INDONESIA Terdaftar dan Diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) | Kami beritahukan bahwa telah dilakukan update pada Aplikasi Online ESI-ON ke ver. | Apabila terjadi Error pada aplikasi Online anda silahkan hubungi Admin Online Trading, dengan Bapak Ronny (021) 8063-2800 Ext. 804 |

Online Trading (ESI-ON)

ESI-ON adalah produk On-line Trading dari ESI disediakan bagi nasabah yang ingin bertransaksi mandiri, dinamis dan efisien melalui internet. Nasabah On-line melakukan transaksi saham lebih privasi dengan dual layer password untuk menjaga keamanan bertransaksi.


Prior to using the ESI-On Online trading software,  PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia  requires  you to review the following terms.  By clicking on the accept option below, you will be deemed (both personally and on behalf of your organization) to have read and accepted all the terms below.  If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not click on the accept option below.

You may not alter, modify or support, or copy or otherwise reproduce, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the ESI-ON Online Trading software or any related documentation issued by PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia. (except and to the extent that you are expressly permitted to do so under applicable law).

The ESI-ON Online Trading software and any related documentation issued by  PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia,  or any affiliated company is and remains owned by or licensed to PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia and is protected by Indonesia copyright laws and international treaty provisions.  All rights are reserved by PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia  and its affiliated companies.

The ESI-ON software is supplied "as is".  Neither PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia nor any affiliated company gives any warranties in relation to the ESI-ON Online Trading  software and all conditions and warranties, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are explicitly excluded.  PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia  and its affiliates expressly do not warrant that the ESI-ON Trading software, in whole or in part, will be error free or will operate without interruption.  No warranties are given that the ESI-ON Online Trading  software will be compatible with any hardware or software.  

Without prejudice to any rights you may have at law which cannot legally be excluded or restricted, in no event will PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia or any affiliated company be liable for any damages which arise out of the use or inability to use the ESI-ON Online Trading  software in contract, in tort (including negligence) or otherwise (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruptions, loss of business information or data, loss of goodwill, special, indirect or consequential or other pecuniary loss or a third party claim), even if PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia or any affiliated company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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